Our Team

Tan Tzee JenOrthodontist
Tan Tzee JenOrthodontist
Dr Tan is a Visiting Senior Lecturer to National University of Singapore; Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Preventive Dentistry, Orthodontic Department since 2000-*
Was Public Service Commission scholar awarded by Singapore Ministry of Health to pursue post graduate orthodontic training at The UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London in 1990. Was awarded The Ian Reynolds Memorial Award during the course.
Obtained MSc in Orthodontic, London and Diploma in Orthodontics, The Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1992.
Was awarded Diploma of Membership in Dental Orthpaedics by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1994.
Thereafter work in Government Dental Hospital (currently National Dental Centre) in Singapore and also involved in teaching the postgraduates since 1993 till now.
Was admitted as a fellow with The Academy of medicine, Singapore in 1997.
Presently in Private specialist practice since 1999.
Also involved in the First conjoint Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) examination with the Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) conducted in Orthodontics in 2000
Active members with the Association of Orthodontist’s Singapore, British Dental Association, WFO and AAO.
Was the Hon Gen Secretary for Association of Orthodontists Singapore in 1997 and was represented at the World Federation of Orthodontists in Philadelphia, USA.
Research interests include muscle physiology, effects of orthodontic treatments on profile changes.
* Postgraduate teaching: 1993-1999 at Government Dental Centre
2000- current at National University of Singapore.
We provide a full range of dental services including general dental services, Orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry such as tooth whitening, crown, bridges and dental implants. We are also the licensed INVISALIGN provider.
During your consultation, we will provide a thorough examinations and a detailed discussion of your oral health condition and treatment plan customised to your needs. State of the art technology with radiographs and 3 D scanning will be utilised to best diagnose your dental conditions with treatment simulation presentation during your consultation.
We strive to be your partner in maintaining good dental health throughout life.

Siow Wern ShiGeneral Dental Practioner
Siow Wern ShiGeneral Dental Practioner
Dr Siow is a General Dental Practitioner, graduated from the National University of Singapore and obtained a Membership of the faculty of General Dental Practitioners (MFGDP), United Kingdom.